Monday, 3 August 2009

Using Twitter

Back in November, I posted about How to Use Twitter, which explains how to set up an account and get started. I've been tweeting for 9 months and this is why I tweet, and how I have found it.

Why do I tweet?
Initially i started to tweet to help promote this blog and our website. As far as I was concerned it was a marketing tool to help bring traffic to my website. Now it has become a great resource for getting information, especially from people such as @StartUpDonut and @MarketingDonut. There are plenty of people willing to share information they have found. I have found that as time goes by I want to use to it give information to other people - hence this series, and the one on writing content. As it happens, this has brought more traffic to my site and helps to create a dialogue with customers.

How often do I tweet?
If you search the web you'll find many different answers to the question 'How often should i tweet?' My general rule - if you have nothing to say, then don't tweet. I try to make sure my tweets mean something, or re-tweet something interesting...although every now and then I think it is nice to see that there's a real person behind the company and will wish everyone a Happy Monday or let people know what's going on in the office.

I aim to tweet between 1 and 10 times a day.

What do I tweet?
Looking back at my tweets, they tend to fall into these categories:

1. Niceties
For example, e.g. 'Good morning'

2. Office happenings
'Working on to do lists' or 'writing proposals'

3. Customer news
'New website live'

4. Things I find interesting or think others may
At the moment, Swine flu updates or marketing information

5. Updates to our blog

What benefits have I seen?
This is tricky. I can't say that we have made a direct sale to a Twitter follower. I can tell you it helps with search engine searches for our company name, and that I have made new local contacts via Twitter. It's a good icebreaker at off-line networking events when you meet a company you're following. And I have definitely learnt a lot and found some useful links along the way.

So should you tweet?
I can't imagine a company or organisation that wouldn't benefit from tweeting. Some examples below:

Accountants & Solicitors
Keep your customers updated on deadlines, changes in legislation, new services and company news.
Example: @JCPSolicitors

Not for Profit
Help spread your message, let people know about events, provide facts and figures, tell people how they can help.
Example: @HelpStopCruelty

Tell people about sales, new products, the security features, what makes you different.
Example: @asos


JesseHanson said...

Some good tips, it’s so hard to address situations where you feel like people are taking more than they are giving without being too aggressive, this website sometimes it’s better to avoid getting into that situation in the first place.

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Anonymous said...

I have never had a personal account on Twitter. I do not see a reason for creating it. At work at, I manage a public Twitter profile. It is an educational site and I often publish news.

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