Tuesday 4 August 2009
Using Facebook
How do I use Facebook?
I use Facebook primarily to speak to friends and found out what's going on. I created a page for Picseli to promote our services and show off examples of our work. All of these blog posts feed directly to my page, and I update the photo albums when we have completed a new design. Every now and then if there's a change in legislation or something of interest to report I will write on the 'wall'.
Benefits of Facebook
The main benefit I have found, is that you have access to a group of people you may not have spoken to about your business before. I quite often find that acquaintances don't have a full understanding of what you do, and Facebook can help you to show your friends, and friends of friends, what you do for a living.
As it's a constant information stream you are more likely to appeal to someone at a time when they are looking for your services. Again, similar to Twitter, if you can provide advice and information people are more likely to become a fan or visit your page to find out more rather than it coming across as a direct marketing tool.
With Facebook you are able to put a face behind the business. People can see that you are not a faceless corporation and can talk to you.
Disadvantages of Facebook
For many people it's a personal site and they will blank out any business messages because they're not in work. You are also speaking to a wide group of people - many of whom may never have an interest in your product.
A lot of people don't want to mix business and pleasure on Facebook especially as other people have control over what can be said about you. You do need to carefully consider how you want your business to be percieved and whether personal communications would negatively affect it.
Should You use Facebook?
Depending on how you manage it, Facebook could be beneficial to a number of organisations. Some examples below:
Not for Profit organisations can use it to let people know about events, latest news and recruit volunteers.
Fitness instructors can use it to present motivational tips.
Pubs & Clubs can post details of events, special offers, photos.
IT Companies can inform fans of security updates, virus alerts, useful tips and facts.
Monday 3 August 2009
Using Twitter
Why do I tweet?
Initially i started to tweet to help promote this blog and our website. As far as I was concerned it was a marketing tool to help bring traffic to my website. Now it has become a great resource for getting information, especially from people such as @StartUpDonut and @MarketingDonut. There are plenty of people willing to share information they have found. I have found that as time goes by I want to use to it give information to other people - hence this series, and the one on writing content. As it happens, this has brought more traffic to my site and helps to create a dialogue with customers.
How often do I tweet?
If you search the web you'll find many different answers to the question 'How often should i tweet?' My general rule - if you have nothing to say, then don't tweet. I try to make sure my tweets mean something, or re-tweet something interesting...although every now and then I think it is nice to see that there's a real person behind the company and will wish everyone a Happy Monday or let people know what's going on in the office.
I aim to tweet between 1 and 10 times a day.
What do I tweet?
Looking back at my tweets, they tend to fall into these categories:
1. Niceties
For example, e.g. 'Good morning'
2. Office happenings
'Working on to do lists' or 'writing proposals'
3. Customer news
'New website live'
4. Things I find interesting or think others may
At the moment, Swine flu updates or marketing information
5. Updates to our blog
What benefits have I seen?
This is tricky. I can't say that we have made a direct sale to a Twitter follower. I can tell you it helps with search engine searches for our company name, and that I have made new local contacts via Twitter. It's a good icebreaker at off-line networking events when you meet a company you're following. And I have definitely learnt a lot and found some useful links along the way.
So should you tweet?
I can't imagine a company or organisation that wouldn't benefit from tweeting. Some examples below:
Accountants & Solicitors
Keep your customers updated on deadlines, changes in legislation, new services and company news.
Example: @JCPSolicitors
Not for Profit
Help spread your message, let people know about events, provide facts and figures, tell people how they can help.
Example: @HelpStopCruelty
Tell people about sales, new products, the security features, what makes you different.
Example: @asos
August is Social Media Month
Social Media & Networking has become a huge online activity, and can help to boost your business and increase awareness. However, it can be time consuming and can take a whole to see the results - especially for a small business.
Throughout August, we will visit a number of social media websites, explain how and why we use them and how they could help your business. To stay up to date follow us on twitter.
Friday 22 May 2009
How to...Write Website Content (Part 4 - Quickstart Guide)
This is a quick guide that brings together everything mentioned in Parts 1 to 3.
Where To Start
- Make a cup of tea (or coffee).
- Make a list of all the pages on your website.
- Write the name of each page at the top of a new sheet or paper, or page if you're using a computer.
- Makes notes and lists on each page about what you want to include. Don't forget to include links and images you'd like to see too.
Define Your Audience
- Write a list of everyone that will visit your website. (See Part 3 if you get stuck for ideas)
- Make notes on what your audience will want from your website.
- Make notes on what you want your audience to do on your website.
- Review your Content Notes (from Where to Start).
- Will they find what they need?
- Is it where they'd expect it?
- Have you left anyone out?
- Are they drawn to where you want them to go?
Expand Your Content
- From all of the notes expand your bullet points into sentences.
- Review Part 3 - What to Write About if you are still stuck for the type of information to include.
- Add page titles, sub-headings and emphasis where needed.
Skim Read Your Content
Quickly skim read through your content, don’t take in too much detail! Do you get the main gist?
Review Your Content
Read through what you have written and answer the questions below.
- Have you started and ended each page with the most important points?
- Do page headings clearly tell you what the page is about?
- Do sub-headings give you the main point of paragraphs?
- Does key text stand out?
- Are sentences short?
- Do paragraphs stick to one main point?
- Are acronyms expanded?
- Is the text clear and easy to read?
Get Someone Else Involved
Now you have done all the hard work find someone else who can read the text. Get them to answer the following questions:
- If you skim read, do you get the main point of the page?
- What keywords stand out? (Are these the ones you want to stand out?)
- Is the text clear and easy to understand?
- Is the information you want available? Is it easy to find?
Hand it Over
Finally, you can now hand it over to your web design team! Please make sure it is typed up, proof read and spell checked to make life a little bit easier for us.Now, sit back and relax!
Friday 15 May 2009
How to....Write Website Content (Part 3)
What to Write About
Now you know why you need to write content and how to make it good for the web. But what exactly do people want to know? What should you talk about? Here is an idea of the kind of content to include – some of it may seem obvious but is often left out.
What do visitors want?
This is the million dollar question! Sometimes it’s obvious – people visiting a hotel website want to know if rooms are available, what facilities there are and how much the room will cost. Sometimes it’s more difficult. Should you mention the history of the company? Do visitors want to know what computer software you use? And this varies so much depending on your target audience and their aims.
Who are your visitors?
This has been looked at briefly in the other parts, but lets have a look at different types of visitors and what they want.
Prospective Clients
These are the people you most want to come to the website and the ones you most want to impress. They need to know straight away that:
- You can help them – you provide the service or product they are looking for
- You are professional
- They want to buy or deal with you
They will need to be able to get to a contact firm or contact details easily and that all product and service information is quick to find and easy to understand.
Yet even in this group you will have a number of different audiences to please. Including the person who will have to pay (will want to see prices), the technical person (will like to see lots of detail – how, why and what), and others.
Existing Customers
They know you and have already decided to deal with you, so the chances are they are coming to repeat a purchase, or are looking for a phone number or address. You need to keep current customers in mind as they are likely to refer you to their friends, colleagues, family etc. This is also an ideal opportunity to let them know about other services and products you provide, to let them know how well you are doing and confirm that they have made the right choice dealing with you.
Everyone checks out the competition every now and then, so don’t let them have the satisfaction of thinking their site is better than yours! Make sure your content is up to date, publicise your achievements when you get them – but don’t lie. You will always get caught out in the end.
Other Visitors
Other examples of people visiting your website may be:
- Job hunters
- Members of the press
- Casual browsers
- Stakeholders
- Your staff
- An enthusiast
Each one will have a different reason for visiting, you need to determine which audiences are most important for you and target the content to suit.
A Guide for Standard Pages
What to Write on Your Home Page
Every website needs a home page. It should give each visitor an overview of who you are and what you do, allowing them to decide if your site is of interest to them. The ultimate job of the home page is to draw people into the site by providing points of entry that will appeal to each target audience.
Contact Us
This page should be easily accessible from every other page on your website. It should provide all of your contact details, including address, phone number, and email address. Yu could also include a contact form to make sure you get specific details from a customer enquiry.
A map and directions should also be available if you expect visitors to visit you. The map could either be an image accompanied by text-based directions, or a link provided by Google Maps or Multimap.
About Us
This could either be a page or group of pages depending on how much information you want to provide. This shoudl establish your business credibility by giving customers reasons why they should deal with you It may include:
- Company History
- Information about your Team or Staff
- Customer Testimonials
- Where you work
- Your Values
- How you Work
- Company Accreditations or Associations
Basically anything that you feel would be of interest to the customer. If you can break this up into a number of smaller, manageable paragraphs visitors will be able to skim the content and pick up on the bits that interest them the most.
What We Do - Your Products & Services
This could also be a group of pages with one dedicated to each product or service, and will vary greatly depending on your company. If you're selling online maybe you'll want to write about specific brands, new products or best sellers. If you are providing services explain how they work and what the customer gets.
You should try and incldue the following if you can:
- Product/Service Description
- Features
- Specifications
- Images
- Case Studies
- Downloadable brochures or leaflets
Latest or Company News
A news section on a website gives visitors a reason to return to your site. It can include whatever you want, from welcoming new members of the team to general industry news.
Other Pages
You can add as many or as few pages to your website as you like - the possibilities are endless. Other examples of what you could include on your website are:
- Blog - similar to news, but tends to be less formal and can comment on anything you like.
- Resources - links to related articles or partners, downloads and more.
- Gallery - photographs of your products, your hotel, golf course, restaurant or whatever else you are advertising.
- Frequently Asked Questions - answers to questions visitors may have.
- Guides and 'How To' - give visitors information on how to use your product.
Friday 1 May 2009
How to....Write Website Content (Part 2)
Your competitors are only two clicks away
When you are searching for a supplier, how long does it take you to go from one to another? You search Google and click on the first result, decide straight away you don’t like it, so how many clicks does it take for you to get onto the next website? Two. One back to Google and one on the link below. People everywhere are doing this all the time – so what if they are searching for you? Your website must tell them what you do instantly, it should look professional and make it easy for them to get to the content they need. Your content must grab their attention and encourage them to read about you, which in turn will encourage them to get in touch, which leads to sales, which leads to profit...well, you get the idea! So how do you write good content?
Your target audience needs the answers...
You need to determine who your target audience is and what they would like to achieve from visiting your site. Whether this is getting a phone number, looking for information, filling in a form or buying something. Once you have decided you can aim your content at the various audiences (as you may have more than one!) What will they be looking for? Is it easily accessible? Will they understand it? Will it make them purchase or get in touch?
..and they want them quickly
People will spend about 3 seconds scanning your website before reading anything. You have 3 seconds to grab their attention and entice them to read more. So don’t waste time using clever, meaningless headings, concentrate instead on easy to scan content. Our top tips for writing text are:
• Start and finish with the most important points (the postscript is the second most-read section of a letter!)
• Use sub-headings to highlight the point of each paragraph
• Use bold or highlighted text for key points
• Use lists to break up the text
• Stick to one idea for each paragraph so when users scan a paragraph there’s only one idea for them to grasp.
Don’t try to confuse your audience
People are bombarded by adverts everywhere they go and tend to ignore anything considered ‘marketing speak’. Keep your content objective and back it up with evidence where you can, for example facts and figures or customer testimonials.
Make sure that any acronyms are expanded at least in the first instance and that any specialist terms are explained, but make sure you don’t patronise your audience. It can be difficult to get the balance right as you may have a number of different audiences visiting your site, from those who will know every technical term in the book to those who are looking to learn.
Be Friendly
Friendly, clear and simple language is much easier to read and understand, and enables visitors to quickly scan text. Write as if you are talking to your visitors in person. Keep your content direct and to the point without adding too much “fluff” - make sure your visitors can tell exactly what you do! Keep lines and paragraphs short and use simple sentence structures.
What to do now
It can sound a lot, but I promise you it is easier than it sounds!
In Part 1 we ended with a document containing a list of all of your pages with outline notes, bullets or paragraphs on what to include. Now expand (if you haven’t already) each bullet point or note into a sentence or small paragraph. If you already have paragraphs make sure that they only contain one point and separate out those that contain more. Don’t worry too much at this stage about the fluff, long sentences and language.
When you have your paragraphs - read through them. Now is the time to focus on removing the fluff, making sure sentences aren’t too long and revising the language. Imagine you are a visitor to your website and ask yourself:
• Do you know what this company does and what they can offer you?
• Is the point of each paragraph immediately clear?
• Do you need to read a sentence several times to understand it?
• Would you be happy to deal with these people?
When you are happy, find someone else to read through it and ask them the same questions.
You should now have your content written! Or at least know how to do it!
Thursday 30 April 2009
How to....Write Website Content (Part1)
There’s no real way to get away from it – unless you hire a copywriter to do it for you - however the benefits are long lasting and profitable. Below are the reasons to for spending the time writing your content, and in this series will be a number of tips to help you write content and avoid writers block!
Why write content
It is an old cliché, but it is very hard to write a series like this without bringing it up, Content is King.
Content is so important to your website because it will help get you found in search engines and will give existing and potential customers the information they need. You can tell potential customers exactly what you do, how you do it and point out all the good bits about your company, and its products or services Best of all - they have chosen to read it and are probably sitting comfortably in the comfort of their own home or office. It gives you the chance to blow your own trumpet beacuse, lets face it, if you don’t do it, who else will?
Don’t panic, your content will never be perfect
This may be a funny way to start a paragraph, but it’s true. You should always strive to be better, to improve your content. I know that the thought of writing everything down and it being ‘set in stone’ is overwhelming, like having brochures printed – once it’s sent to the printers, there’s no turning back. A website is very different, it is meant to be dymanic, and can be easily chanegs as needed.Whether a spelling mistake has slipped through or you don’t like the way a sentence is worded, you have the option to fix it, without having to enter discussions with the printers or start all over again.
Writing good content takes time
Like any job worth doing, you need to give it some time. If you keep your goal in mind – a well written website that brings in plenty of new business – and if you can plan to spend 30 minutes every now and then working on a section, your content will be written in no time at all.
Start at the beginning...
Ok. So now that you are relaxed – you know it has to be done, you know it’s not going to be set in stone, you have decided to spend some time working on it – where exactly do you start?
Write a list of all of the pages needed on your website, starting a new page with each title.
It is likely that the Home or Index page will be first in your list, but this may not be the best place to start as this can incorporate bits and pieces from all of the other pages, and should ideally be a summary of what can be expected on the website or show of all the best bits. So choose the page that you are most confident writing and start there. How about the Contact page? Or About Us? And then get scribbling – make notes, bullet points, or if you feel up to it whole paragraphs. You’ll be surprised how quickly you can get something down. Now do this for every page and you’ll have the outline for your content. It’s as easy as that!
Come back next week for Part 2 - What makes good content?
Writing Content for your website
It doesn't matter what your company does, it is a daunting task. You have about 30 seconds to write something exciting anough about your company that will make people want to stay and read more. So where do you start?
May Your Content be King
We have decided that May will be content month at Picseli, dedicated to helping you write content for your website. Now, we are not copywriters, but have written the content for our own website and, so far, it appears to be working for us. So we will let you into our little secrets and help you take the next steps in getting your website content written!
5 Part Series
Every Friday, throughout May and starting tomorrow, we will publish a post related to helping you write content for your website. So why not bookmark this page or subscribe to our blog feed to make sure you don't miss out? If you want to be emailed whenever a new post is uploaded send an email to rhian@picseli.co.uk.
Thursday 9 April 2009
How to...find out if your website is accessible in 6 steps
1. Is your website code valid?
Valid code means that it has been written according to a set of guidelines. Think of it as writing an essay using correct grammar. If the reader isn't distracted by poor spelling and misuse of characters like semi-colons, they find it easier to read, if the structure is logical it makes it easier to understand. So while valid code isn't the be all and end all of accessibility it's a good starting place.
The easiest way to check your code is to visit The W3C Markup Validation Service and enter your website address, this will then let you know how many errors are in your code. If this number is high, it is may be worth getting your website looked at.
2. Do Images have descriptions?
All images that display information should contain a description, in an 'alt' tag. In Internet Explorer, hover your mouse over an image and a description should appear. Check that this relates to the image and is an accurate description. This text will appear when images cannot be displayed, or will be read via a screen reader to those with visual impairments.
3. Does your website have a sitemap?
Somewhere on your website there should be a link to a sitemap or a list of all pages on your website. This allows visitors to quickly see exactly what content is available on your site and stop them getting lost on your site.
4. Do you need a mouse to access your website?
Leave your mouse alone and try to navigate through your website using the TAB, SHIFT+TAB and ENTER or RETURN keys on your keyboard. If it can't be done visitors who cannot use a mouse will not be able to access your website content.
5. Do links make sense out of context?
Read through the links on your website. Can you tell just from the link text where it will go? For example a link saying 'Contact Us' tells visitors you are likely to get to a page containing contact details, while 'Click here' or just 'here' could lead anywhere.
6. Can your text be resized?
For visitors with poor visibility it must be possible for the text on your website to be resized. To check that this can be done in Internet Explorer go to 'View' > 'Text Size' > 'Largest'. Make sure your website can still be used at this size.
These are basic accessibility checks and will not give you a full review, but can give you a good idea. If lots of issues arise from the checks above it is highly likely that your website is not accessible. For a full accessibility review of your web site call Picseli on 01792 222302.
Monday 6 April 2009
Elevator Pitch
Today is the start of his 31 Days to a Build a Better Blog Challenge (31DBBB), which I'll be following in an effort to keep this blog up to date and interetesting. We would appreciate any feedback on what is written, so please comment when you can.
Today's challenge is to come up with an elevator pitch for this blog. Which got me thinking about what this blog is about. It's to provide information on Picseli and what we're up to and to provide information on web design and all things web related. So do I need an elevator pitch for the blog or Picseli as a whole? I think both...so here goes:
Picseli's Elevator Pitch
We make customers smile with websites that bring in business.
Picseli's Blog Elevator Pitch
We help people with websites make the most of them, and help those without decide what they want to do with them.
I think it needs a bit of fine tuning, but we're getting there.
Monday 30 March 2009
A green website design company?
According to CO2Stats.com: "People want websites they visit to be eco-friendly." So surely businesses should want eco-friendly websites and therefore look for a green web company. However, out of all of the customers I have met not one has asked about our environmental policy or how green our websites are. This has made me wonder though - what IS a green website?
What is a Green Website?
From my research a green website is one that either promotes environmentally friendly ideas or products, or that uses eco-friendly technologies or methods to reduce the site's carbon footprint. There is even talk of a new domain extension .eco (See article on Business Strata) for websites that are green.
Ways to make your website green include:
- Print friendly pages - when someone prints out a page from your website, make sure they don't use excessive amounts of paper and ink. A style sheet for printers will ensure that only the useful information is printed.
- Be Green Certified - CO2Stats.com helps to make your website carbon neutral.
- Have a quick to download website - makes sure that visitors aren't wasting power waiting for a slow website to download.
- Keep consistent navigation - reduces wasted energy while visitors browse through your website trying to find information.
How we try to be a green web design company
While Picseli has only been going for 5 months, BSS has been around for 25 years and has a number of policies in place to become environmentally friendly. BSS are currently aiming to be recognised under the Green Dragon Standard. Our policies include:
- Recycling paper & plastics.
- Recycling or resuing all computer equipment & hardware.
- Returning used ink cartridges and toners.
- Reducing the amount we print & ensuring both sides of paper are used.
- Using scrap paper for notes and scribbling.
- Ensuring all non essential equipment is turned off at the end of the day or when not in use.
- When possible we use emails & phone calls to cut down on unnecessary travel.
- And we focus on digital documentation to reduce paper wastage.
Tuesday 17 March 2009
Search Engine Update
web site design swansea from position 51 to 14
website design swansea from 20 to 5 - PAGE 1!
web design swansea from 17 to 16
swansea web design from 37 to 30
web designer swansea from 19 to 16
web development swansea from 13 to 4 - PAGE 1!
So, as long as you have content that is targeted and relevant, and that the site is updated sometimes, you will do well in the search engines.
I am confident that the process could be sped up, but am none-the-less pleased with the results. To prove it is working (because there is no point being on page 1 of Google for phrases no one searched for!) we have had clients who have found us on Google give us a call.
To help improve your search engine rankings give us a call on 01792 222302 to find out how to best improve your website.
Friday 13 March 2009
The plumbers tap...
No apologies
So, this is me getting back into blogging, with a promise to dedicate more time to it. I read on a blog somewhere (apologies if it's yours!) that bloggers shouldn't apologise for a lack of posting, so I won't.
What we've been up to
Here's a quick update on what we've been working on. Phase 1 of Vibe TV is live and our developers are working hard to add some super advanced functionality to the content management system. The new Swansea Business Club website is being built using Wordpress and will be live on March 27. The Llys Nini Aninal Centre's website is in development. iStar Showreel is also being developed in DotNetNuke. Some new designs are being done, but I can't say much about them yet and we've sent lots of proposals out - so fingers crossed!
Tuesday 10 February 2009
Happy Safer Internet Day
Around the world are a number of events goingon today to help raise awareness of the issues that could affect you and your children and how best to stay safe.
Teifion Davies, BSS' MD, was asked to contribute to an article in the South Wales Evening Post, which sparked this article and top tips to stay safe.
Do you have any suggestions?
Here are some scary security facts courtesy of www.getsafeonline.org:
23% of internet users were the victim of a phishing attack in 2008, compared to 8% in 2007
15% of internet users had their identity stolen or severely compromised in 2008
23% of internet users admit to posting details about themselves on social networking sites
66% of people use the same password for more than one website
There was a 66% increase in the number of computers that were infected with unwanted software in 2008
44% of small businesses in the UK have been the victim of cyber crime
Thursday 5 February 2009
Companies Act 2006
In short, you must include your company name, in legible lettering, along with the registered company number, place of registration and registered office address. Plus, you must also state if the company is being wound up.
Example Text
Business Systems Services (UK) Ltd is registered in England & Wales.
Company registration number 3804012.
Registered Office: Systems House, Phoenix Way, Garngoch Industrial Estate, Gorseinon, Swansea SA4 9WF
Don't forget your e-mails
This information should also be included on e-mails when the e-mail could be considered a business letter if in paper form.
This information was taken from http://www.companieshouse.gov.uk/promotional/busStationery.shtml
Page 2 for Web Design Swansea
web site design swansea from position 95 to 51
website design swansea from 52 to 20!
web design swansea from 51 to 17!!!
swansea web design from 118 to 37
web designer swansea from 66 to 19
web development swansea from 61 to 13
It has taken longer than expected, and we're not on page 1 yet, but at least it proves that we do know what we're doing, that content does make a difference, as do regular updates!
Wednesday 4 February 2009
What legislations apply to websites?
Legislation & Regulation
- Data Protection Act 1998
- The Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulations
- The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA)
- E-Commerce Regulations 2002
- W3C Validation (XHTML, HTML & CSS)
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2
- Companies Act 2006
Tuesday 3 February 2009
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Version 2 is released
Following a number of years in draft status, version 2 of the guidelines is intended to make it easier for developers to adhere to the standards, make them easier to follow and test, therefore making websites much better for people with disabilities or alternative methods of using the Internet. Here it is hailed as A New Era for Web Accessibility
In brief the guidelines are:
- 1.1 Text Alternatives: Provide text alternatives for any non-text content so that it can be changed into other forms people need, such as large print, braille, speech, symbols or simpler language.
- 1.2 Time-based Media: Provide alternatives for time-based media.
- 1.3 Adaptable: Create content that can be presented in different ways (for example simpler layout ) without losing information or structure.
- 1.4 Distinguishable: Make it easier for users to see and hear content including separating foreground from background.
- 2.1 Keyboard Accessible: Make all functionality available from a keyboard.
- 2.2 Enough Time: Provide users enough time to read and use content.
- 2.3 Seizures: Do not design content in a way that is known to cause seizures.
- 2.4 Navigable: Provide ways to help users navigate, find content and determine where they are.
- 3.1 Readable: Make text content readable and understandable.
- 3.2 Predictable: Make Web pages appear and operate in predictable ways.
- 3.3 Input Assistance: Help users avoid and correct mistakes.
- 4.1 Compatible: Maximize compatibility with current and future user agents, including assistive technologies.
Monday 2 February 2009
February is Legislation Month at Picseli
Where do we start?
When it comes to the Internet and websites there are plenty of laws, legislation and regulations that must be complied with. However, there are lots of organisations and groups that have made recommendations that have become an industry standard for good practice. For example, there is no law that states all websites must use valid XHTML and CSS, but it is considered good practice and goes a long way to helping you comply with the other standards out there.
What will we look at?
As the month goes on I will look at the basic legislative requirements, for instance the Companies Act and each Friday will do a little 'How To...' guide to explain how to comply. We will look at some tests and checks you can do to find out whether your website uses valid code or whether it complies to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. We will also take a look at specific industry codes, such as the Solicitors Regulation Authority, and online areas like the e-Commerce Regulations.
I want to know now!
if you can't wait to find out if your website complies to these codes and regulations give me a call on 01792 222302 or email rhian@picseli.co.uk to get a free, no obligation report. We'll take a look at your website and let you know if it uses valid code, whether it complies to the Disability Discrimination Act and more.
Tuesday 6 January 2009
Page 6 in Google for Swansea Web Design
web site design swansea from position 125 to 95
website design swansea from 64 to 52
web design swansea from 74 to 51
swansea web design from 129 to 118
web designer swansea from 74 to 66
All positive - but still room for improvement!
Friday 2 January 2009
How to...Add goals on 43Things
As I said that I would add a 'How To' every Friday, I felt it a bit wrong to fall at the first hurdle. So, to get you started on the right track this is a mini guide to 43Things.
Step 1 - Visit www.43things.com
Step 2 - Click 'Sign Up'
It's the big blue button on the home page.
Step 3 - Fill in your details
It's not a big form, just enter your Username, Email, Password and the letters from the box. Click 'Create an account'.
Step 4 - Enter your goals
Simply write your resolution in the text box and click 'I want to do this'.
The website is so easy to use. You can add little diary entries to help you track progress and set reminders.
Complete your Goal
Once you have completed the goal select it and click 'I'm Done'. You get a congratulations message and the chance to help others by writing your story.
Cheer Others
When you find people and goals you want to support you can send them a cheer to help them along. So let us know if you set up an account and we'll come and support you.
Good luck!
Will you stick to your New Year's Resolutions?
It's that time of year again when everyone decides to give up smoking, lose weight or start exercising. Or read more, start a hobby, become successful...the options are endless. It's a time to be positive and look at new beginnings, so is it time for a new beginning for your website or does it just need a bit of a detox? If you know your website needs sorting out but aren't sure exactly what needs doing, here are a few New Year's Resolution ideas for you.
1. I will update my website once/twice a month/week/day
2. I will improve my search engine position
3. I will get a website!!!!
4. I will start selling online
5. I will review all of my website content regularly
6. I will make sure my website is compliant with all relevant legistation (bit of a mouthful I know, but worthwhile none-the-less!)
7. I will start marketing my website
8. I will consider my user's needs and get my website to fit
9. I will start a blog
10. I will use my website to win new business
Our Resolutions this year are:
1. To post to this blog at least twice a week, including a 'How To' every Friday
2. To keep Tweeting
3. To keep the website up to date, ineresting and informative
4. To add fun stuff, such as games and downloads.
And to make sure we keep them, I have set up an account at 43things.com
43Things is a website that allows you to 'List your Goals, Share your Progress, Cheer each other on'. Why not add your goals? Once they're written down they become a lot harder to ignore.
If you do decide on a website related resolution, please share it with us. Comment on this post or send me a tweet. If you need a bit more of a hand we are more than happy to help, give us a call today on 01792 222302 or email hello@picseli.co.uk to find out how we can help you stick to your resolutions.
Good Luck!