Last week I blogged about our involvement with the TREAT Trust Wales and decided to write down some tips to help other non-profit organisations make the most of the web.
The first step in any social media/marketing campaign is to make sure that when people get to your website they get the information they need. The following information is what I would expect to find on a charity's website.
1. Tell us about your mission
Tell us what you hope to achieve. What your aims and objectives are and how you intend to fulfil them. It should be short & to the point so that we can pick up the message at a glance.
2. Show us a donate button
The main aim of getting people to your website is generally to donate some money - so make this as easy as possible! Provide a button that will take people directly to a page or website where they can make a donation. Whether you use PayPal buttons or JustGiving, make sure it is easy to find.
3. Tell us how we can help
If donations aren't the only thing you are looking for, make sure to include a section telling us how we can help. Whether volunteering, arranging an event or signing up to easyfundraising, for example, this information should be easy to get to and explanations or 'call to actions' should be included.
4. Show us what will money be used for
This is likely to be included as part of your mission, but it is worth mentioning again! Explain how you intend to use the money raised to reassure supporters that funds will be well spent.
5. Tell us what's going on
Show us that you are an active charity and let us know what you are planning or what you have done. If you are working on a project, let us know about progress, where money is being spent and how people, animals or communities are benefitting. Try to make sure it's kept up to date.
6. Help us stay up to date
Remind supporters how they can stay up to date, whether this is via a newsletter, Twitter or Facebook, and make sure that sign up options are easy and accessible.
There is much more you can add to a charity website, but these are the key points to help reassure and convince supporters that they should help you - and make it quick and simple to do so.
If you run or manage a non-profit website, let me know if you have any comments or questions and I'll do my best to help where I can.
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