In June we received a phone call from Melanie Davies of TREAT Trust Wales asking if there was any chance we could help out with their website. Not entirely sure what this would mean we arranged to meet up to find out exactly what they had in mind.
Once we met Mel and her husband Mike, and heard all about the trust and their plans to build a state of the art rehabilitation and therapy centre in Swansea, we were keen to get involved to help raise the profile of this worthy cause.
So, we wrote a proposal outlining changes we could make to the website, including ways that their website could bring in some additional funds, plus suggestions on how to use social networking websites to spread the word and increase awareness. They were delighted with our ideas but weren't sure where to begin. We have so far updated their website, set up a Twitter account and facebook page for them. Helped them sign up to the Amazon associates program and easyfundraising.
It's still early days with TREAT, but already there are people who now know more about the trust than they did last week, and we have already generated additonal cash for the trust.
Unfortunately we can't help every charity or good cause that gets in touch, but we can share some of our ideas with you to help you make the most of your online presence. So on this blog starting next Wednesday we will post some ideas and suggestions on how to improve your website, make use of social networking sites and even generate some cash towards your charity, cause, group, club etc.
If you have a question or topic you'd like us to cover leave a comment on this post and we'll do our best to help. If you do take any of our advice, we'd love to hear from you and feel free to link to your website, twitter account or facebook page.
See you next Wednesday?
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